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Cyber Liability

How Prepared Is Your Firm For Cyber Breaches?

By January 19, 2018No Comments

Cybersecurity startup firm, LogicForce, released a chilling report that found that law firms are still woefully unprepared for all sorts of cyber threats. The study, released Tuesday, found that two-thirds of the 200 responding law firms had reported some sort of cyber breach. The LogicForce report, which compiled data from survey responses and proprietary information from clients, also found that 77 percent of responding firms did not have cyber insurance, 95 percent of responding firms were noncompliant with their own cyber policies, 100 percent were noncompliant with a client’s policies, and 53 percent of responding firms do not have a data breach incident response plan. The report created an “implementation scale” to measure how far along the legal industry was when it came to adopting safe cybersecurity standards. Out of a possible score of 100 percent, LogicForce gave the legal industry a weighted average score of 29.6 percent. “While there are some law firms that implement most, or even all, of these mediation techniques, the fact is, many aren’t doing enough when it comes to protecting themselves,” the report said. “It is truly not a question of if, but when, an incident will occur.” Read More at ABA Journal Now.