Reputation management essentially refers to controlling the message everyone sees relative to you and your profile, or that of your firm. Good reputation management helps you to establish trust, highlight your successes, and even accomplish goals before you meet a prospective client in person. Reputation management is an important part of every lawyer’s and law firm’s online presence. Without a planned strategy in place, your online reputation will be at the mercy of the Internet. With the Internet being accessible to almost everyone around the globe, one comment can spread exponentially in a matter of seconds. Bad commentary has a higher potential to do damage because of where it is posted, not exactly because of what it says. What matters most is who sees it. The main thing to remember when it comes to managing your online reputation is that no matter what you do, good or bad, you’re doing it in front of an audience. Always act with the knowledge that people outside of any particular situation will see — and judge — how you conduct yourself. Read More